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If you missed last night’s talk by Caz and Pete Thomas you can now watch it on the Club YouTube Link…..

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If you missed last night’s talk by Caz and Pete Thomas you can now watch it on the Club YouTube Link…..


Outer Hebrides – North Uist and Isle of Lewis by Caz and Pete Thomas

Carole and I were fortunate enough last year to be invited on Mark and Eileen Pawley’s Hebridean holiday and were so impressed with the place that we invited ourselves back this year. Hear all about our paddling adventures at tomorrow night’s virtual talk. (You do not need a camera or microphone to watch the video stream, but you can ask questions if you do have them)

Upcoming talks

Monday 19th Club Awards Evening, Talks and AGM

Monday 12th October St Kilda trip with Gordon Brown in 2018 by, Kris D’Aout

Monday 5th October Folding Kayaks and expeditions by Tim Haines

Monday 28th September Skye by Jenny Brown and Chris Thompson

Monday 21st September Sheffield or Bust by Brian Green

Monday 14th September Outer Hebrides Caz and Pete Thomas Club YouTube Link…..