If you missed Monday night’s talk “A sea kayak expedition to Thailand/ SE Asia” by Roger Morgan you can now watch it on the Club YouTube Link….
Past talks
Monday 7th December Sea Kayaking in Thailand by Roger Morgan Club YouTube Link….
Monday 30th November Alpine Paddling Holiday – Escaping lockdown by Keith Steer Club YouTube Link….
Monday 23rd November Sea Kayaking in Broughton Strait, Vancouver Island by Debbie Hughes Club YouTube Link….
Monday 16th November Canoe Polo by Josh Cook Club YouTube Link….
Monday 9th November Expedition on the Green River in Utah by Roger Morgan Club YouTube Link….
Monday 19th October Club Awards Evening, Talks and AGM Club YouTube Link….
Monday 12th October St Kilda trip with Gordon Brown in 2018 by, Kris D’Aout Club YouTube Link….
Monday 5th October Folding Kayaks and expeditions by Tim Haines Club YouTube Link….
Monday 28th September Skye by Jenny Brown and Chris Thompson Club YouTube Link….
Monday 21st September River Tweed by Brian Green Club YouTube Link…..
Monday 14th September Outer Hebrides Caz and Pete Thomas Club YouTube Link…..