Junior Club trip to Chester Weir by John and Lily Lamb
Sunday 8th September saw the junior club head for Sandy Lane and the short trip down to the weir for 3 runs and a bit of fun.
After a false start and a scenic tour of Chester and its various roadworks we met at Sandy Lane car park for a paddle along the Dee to the weir and back. We were a large group of 21 enthusiastic paddlers of mixed ability. There were some seasoned paddlers and for some of us it was our first time away from the docks.
Having assembled and been given a briefing by Amy we headed along the river, chatting and getting to know each other whilst tour guide Keith pointed out some sights along the way.

Once we reached the weir, we lined up at the top and were encouraged to “just take a look at it” by the coaches, who were playing the long game in getting us to try out new skills. We were given some tips and a couple of the leaders gave a very skilful demo of how to get down. Everyone was then asked to consider giving it a go with a request for a volunteer to go first.
In a triumph of enthusiasm over skill or experience John put himself in the running and headed down, unexpectedly discovering that he can indeed roll when he needs to. Everyone was challenged to join in and try what they were able. There was much shouting of encouragement and the coaches put in a sterling effort of hill reps up the slope helping us move our boats back for another go. After some very successful efforts and slight mishap by Lily giving a 100% capsize rate for the Lamb family, we were all done and ready to paddle back.

We paddled back together, chatting some more and enjoying the company of some older and new found friends. All too soon we were back at Sandy Lane and ready to get out. A perfectly timed downpour meant that packing up was one of the wetter activities for the day and soon it was time to head off.
This was a fantastic trip and everyone got something out of it. The supportive atmosphere of the Junior Section was on show throughout the whole trip. We all had a chance to practice skills and meet new people.
Thanks to all the volunteers who made the trip possible, and a special thanks to Amy for arranging the trip and Keith and other guest volunteers who joined us juniors/parents for the day to keep us safe and happy.