Junior Polo Session Sunday 3rd September by Amy Newnham
Today was a different session for many of our juniors. We had Callum, Callum, Ben and Norman down to introduce us to Canoe Polo for the first hour of the junior session.
The juniors got out Canoe Polo boats, Helmets and Polo BAs. It was the first time for most in a polo boat and some juniors weren’t sure about using the different boats, so we did some paddling back and forwards to get used to the boats. There were soon lots of smiles as they found out the boats moved easily. There were plenty of balls to practise catching and throwing with, and also chasing other players. We practised tackling, then we did some shooting practice at a goal that had been set up. To start with we were throwing at the goal, then we had a goalkeeper, trying to save shots.

Well done to all the juniors who took part and joined in, having fun and learning new skills! We also had a group of new starters and regular parents who paddled together in a group, concentrating on forward paddling skills.
After an hour of polo fun we paddled, super fast, in our polo boats to Seal Launch City for jumping in. When we got back to the compound there was just time for some capsize practise before we finished.
Thank you to the polo players who helped out today, it was great to have you there! And thanks also to the group leaders who made the session possible.
We hope to have another junior Canoe Polo session soon.