Leisure paddle trip on the Bridgewater Canal from Bollington Wharf to Grappenhall Monday 8/5/23
A big thank you to everyone who turned up, on a quiet but wet Bank Holiday, Diane Rogan, John Fay, Jacki Jenkins, Alan Peachment, Mick O’Reilly and I. Jackie and Alan were poised to see who could get the best photo for ‘Photo of the month’ competition on the club website.

The 6 of us met up at Bollington Wharf layby next door to the Ye Old No 3 Pub, which unfortunately was closed for refurbishment. We were all on the water for 0945. We Paddled through Lymm and passed all the ‘new’ barges and a couple of nesting swans, one of which took a dislike to us, but John managed to keep it at bay. After 2 hours of typical Bank Holiday ‘sunshine’, the drizzling rain stopped so we found a suitably sited bench for lunch, thank you Canal and Rivers Trust.

Back on the water to head back, Jackie and Diane tried some synchronised paddling in their Pyranha Ions but it didn’t work out very well as Diane wanted to get wet so started a water fight, but I think she came off a little worse after we all joined in.

On the return we were expecting the swans to misbehave, so we were prepared, we attempted to creep past them but 3 yappy dogs on the towpath didn’t help and set one off on an attack of Mick’s paddleboard. Luckily Mick managed to stay upright but I think it just wanted to climb aboard for a lift.
The rain held off until we got back to the cars when the heavens opened again. It had been a great paddle with great company and a paddle enjoyed by all, away from the Docks.