2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday
Day 04 Tuesday: Camping Le Ecrins slalom site to St Clements, Slalom site, Middle Durance River by Roy M
The drivers did the shuttle at 9 am and at 10 am everyone was ready for the trip on the side of the river. There were 13 LCC paddlers in total, and a couple of us carried up and ran the slalom course which was unusually high for the time of year. The course has also changed considerably since the floods earlier this year. We completed the course with no issues and met the other 11 paddlers at the beach at the end of the top site and headed in one big group down to St Clement.

The high river levels continued downstream and we made good progress down the river. As always, the scenery was spectacular and the weather was beautiful. Sue and Colin on their first time down the river did particularly well to negotiate the rapids that like the upper section has changed after the floods.

When we reached the St Clement slalom site we realised that the drops on this section had changed too, the best surf wave is now the second drop, it’s changed from a hole to a green wave which was great to surf in the firecracker.

On the first run, the wave was chocka with a group of Germans paddlers, so we went for lunch and then when we got back on Sarah, Keith, Stu and me had the wave to ourselves for around 30 minutes.
Great day had by all.
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