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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 09 Sunday afternoon 28th July: Upper Durance by Amy

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A group of people in a kayak Description automatically generated

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday

Day 09 Sunday afternoon 28th July: Upper Durance by Amy

After the morning paddle, we headed up to the upper Durance leaving a shuttle car at the get-out near the tunnel above Prelles Barrage (Dam). We were soon on the water and paddled down the torrent and took a look at Roy’s “new river” (La Cerveyrette) which joined soon after the start. There seemed plenty of water so maybe next year!

A group of people in kayaks on a riverDescription automatically generated

This section had plenty of water and was an enjoyable paddle giving some paddlers a flip or two. The large standing waves and interesting woodland gave pleasant paddling. It was not long before we met up above the main rapids. There is a large eddy on the river left of a green rail bridge where we could see down the first 200m of grade 3-. We paddled down before regrouping to paddle the last section which finished at the old get-out (“The Smelly Bridge”). The broken sewer here has long been fixed and the water is now very clean.

A group of people kayaking in a riverDescription automatically generated

This next section is continuous breakouts behind conveniently placed boulders right then left. Some counted 19 or 20 consecutive breakouts and were extremely pumped and in need of a few minute’s breather. With in a kilometre, we came across the signs for the get out on river left. This is as soon as you reach the small lake which forms the barrage. We used a throw line to help with getting the kayaks up the steep path to the waiting cars.

A person in a kayak on a riverDescription automatically generated
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