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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday – Day 12 Wednesday afternoon 31st July: Lower Durance

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A group of people standing on a cobblestone street Description automatically generated

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday

Day 12 Wednesday afternoon 31st July: Lower Durance

During the lunch break at the rafting centre, two vehicles were dropped at the municipal raft get-out at Embrun. Our 4th section of river today was to be a big one. 19 km of grade 3, “big and bouncy” water.

A group of people on a water slideDescription automatically generated

One or two paddlers opted to go to the lake at La Roche-de-Rame and play on the inflatable course there.

A group of kayaks on a beach next to a riverDescription automatically generated

The river quickly sped the group along and the wave trains became progressively larger. This was the third time most of us had paddled this section so we just enjoyed the bouncy water. Once we came across Rabioux, the grade 3+ play wave and local test piece we all took the rafting line down the right hand side of the island. Mike managed a wave-wheel over the main wave and those watching from the café were suitably impressed with our paddling.

A person in a kayak in a riverDescription automatically generated

After a little while paddling in the tail, we allowed the river to sweep us downstream. The warm air and refreshing water enabled all to play to their heart’s content. The rapids are all too numerous to mention but we all sought out the most exciting line. People`s paddling was now confident and it was to be the last day for some who were heading home the next day.

A person in a kayak on a riverDescription automatically generated
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