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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 13 – Pokhara – Kathmandu

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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal

Day 13 – Pokhara – Kathmandu

Once again we were in our minibus at 6.45 to head back to Kathmandu. Fortunately, the road back was not as bad as the road there and it only took 8.5 hours to get back to Kathmandu.

A group of trucks on a dirt roadDescription automatically generated

Kathmandu mid-afternoon was crazy busy with the roads chock-a-block with cars and bikes and mopeds, everyone overtaking and squeezing their way in wherever there was, or wasn’t a gap.

A person driving a carDescription automatically generated

Back at the hotel, we reunited with Sue and Colin before going out for dinner at possibly the cheapest place in Kathmandu, where a meal for two, including a starter and sides, with drinks cost a whole £6.

A person carrying a large bunch of leavesDescription automatically generated
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