2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal
Day 9 – Short day and Swimming Paddling Day 6
One of the cool parts of this trip was seeing the occasional local kids come by to see what was happening, whether they wandered through our camp, stopped on route down the river by ‘dunga’ (a dug out canoe), or watched from across the river. They were often given leftovers from our meals and sometimes ate breakfast with the guides. The guides took the time to talk to them and get to know a little about them. 7 year old Juna left with more food than her little arms could carry after our BBQ last night.

We had a very short day today as we had to stop before getting to a more populace area.
There were a few easy fun rapids and in less than two hours we had reached our next camp. Now out of the gorges, the heat of the sun was in full force when we landed.

In no time at all, 2 large shelters had been erected out of tarps and raft oars. Tents erected, we all collapsed under the tarps and the call for lunch was met with some lethargy.

After lunch and another repose under the tarps, Martin and I went for a swim. Well, I went for a swim while Martin sat in the water watching. Before long we were joined by Govi, Norris, the two Canadians, Jackie and Carolyn, and Stuart. Colin hopped in a kayak and joined us on the water and some of the Chinese group also joined us in or on the water. We spent a good couple of hours hopping bare foot over rocks up the riverbank to jump in and float back downstream to camp.
That evening there was more pork with dinner.