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A quick pootle around Hilbre by James G

A quick pootle around Hilbre. 

Tim and I arranged our first paddle of the year together, I suggested just a quick trip around Hilbre as we both had other things to keep us busy with an impending snowstorm. After a quick trip through the tunnel and a brisk walk for Tim, we met at West Kirby Sailing Club, the water probably about 70m-100m from our feet. As I got the boat off the roof, packed up and moved my car, the water was within 10m! 

After a brief chat we decided a crossing to Talacre, North Wales was on the cards, so we set a course for international waters and started plodding away. With entertainment provided by a seal and sandbanks pushing the flooding tide against the southeasterly wind, we were treated to some ripples along the way. We arrived at Point of Ayr lighthouse after about 80min and due to the changing tide, we decided to shape a course right across the bay for Hilbre Island, our original destination. 

As the slack water arrived, we made as much use of it as we could to prevent having to work harder being pushed into the Irish Sea and our hard work paid off. We arrived at the north end of Hilbre with calm water and a seal sheltering from the increasing wind. 

The return journey was a case of head down and grind it out, against wind and tide, we used the eddy of the islands to make progress and then quickly dart into our destination. Much to the amusement of the walkers on the marine lake who at one point were going quicker than us! In summary, we got around Hilbre, just not the pootle we had in mind!

Point of Ayr lighthouse

An enjoyable trip, and one of the featured trips in the 50 Welsh Sea Kayak Journeys, which is on our doorstep. The crossing is a committing one, so pick your day! It took us approximately 3hrs 40 and was 14 miles. Having digested Tristan Gooleys ‘The Secret World of Weather’ over Christmas, it was interesting to be able to see what I presumed to be the front of the storm approaching and the wind increasing as it did so….a well-worthy read, or listen if you have a Spotify account! 

Wind Forecast: F2 GF3 rising to GF4SE

Swell forecast: 0.4m at 4 seconds.

HW Liverpool: 1401hrs @ 9.12m

HW Hilbre: 1344hrs @ 8.85m

Overcast but good clear visibility. Temp. 2-3deg. 

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