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Make sure you’re locking you’re boats up!

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Make sure you’re locking you’re boats up! Our straps we’re cut last night in West Darby! Lucky we had a heavy duty wire around the seats and bars!!         Post from Aaron Kendall‎ to our facebook page

2018 PADDLING FILM FESTIVAL LINEUP ANNOUNCED. LCC Film Festival is on 21st November at the Marina

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The premiere began with a journey to the Ecuadorian Amazon, it raced down the Grand Canyon, adventured across Greenland, SUP surfed in Tofino, descended a gorge in Northern Pakistan, island hopped across a deadly strait to Tasmania and then played below the surface on the Cheat River Narrows before embarking on a canoe journey of… Read More »2018 PADDLING FILM FESTIVAL LINEUP ANNOUNCED. LCC Film Festival is on 21st November at the Marina

Build your own paddle ergometer by Graham Martin

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I recently decided to build a paddle ergometer after having priced out new ones. You can see video of it at, where you will also have the option to purchase detailed plans for $9 CAN. It is a great way to own a very functional and affordable piece of equipment.