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Rhos to West Shore, take 2

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I was keen to try out a new sea boat, luckily several paddlers were happy to accompany me on the trip.   To be honest, I hadn’t really looked at the details for the trip other than watching the BBC forecast that said there was a big high pressure over the Irish sea (light winds) and seeing… Read More »Rhos to West Shore, take 2

Mersey Tunnel Tour – Saturday 11 March 2017 by Julie Brookes

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Twenty-seven brave souls participated on the journey into the subterranean world of the Queensway (old) Mersey Tunnel wondering beneath Liverpool’s city streets. As I approached the George’s Dock Building entrance I was greeted by the site of an jolly crowd of Liverpool Canoe Club members with some bright spark shouting “Did you bring the biscuits and… Read More »Mersey Tunnel Tour – Saturday 11 March 2017 by Julie Brookes

For Sale Werner Paddles

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Werner Cyprus Carbon bent shaft 215CM £200 +P&P Now Sold Werner Corryvrecken bent carbon shaft Glass blade 215CM £160 +P&P Now Sold As always drop me a line or call 27786026091 All other Items still up for sale cag tops etc. Andy