2023 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday
Day 03 Sunday: Espace Eau Vive de l’Isle de la Serre by Fiona B
With everyone now at the White-Water course the warmup paddles could really start. Most now new the course and made several runs with confidence. Waves were surfed and loops made.
People were feeling really confident in the 27-degree warm moving water. After lunch Fiona had booked hydrospeeding and those brave (or foolish) enough went over to the centre to don their wetsuits, flippers (Fins) and be given their Hydroseeds (a large piece of foam shaped like a torpedo that you hold onto and try and steer your way down the river).

Once successfully down the course Fiona demonstrated how to jump in and surf the bottom wave. All the experience from last year was now coming into its own. Others tried and failed but then eventually success. First Harry, then Stuart and Kurt, all managed it. After the hour session was up, totally exhausted people returned for a second late lunch.

As the course quietened down people got back on the river to paddle into the late afternoon before eventually getting off to dry their kit and prepare for move one, over to Briancon and A l’Argentière la Bessée.