On the weekend of the 1st & 2nd of July, we attended the Joy Davis Hull International Polo Tournament with 2 teams.
Div 3 Write-up by Norman Cook: After losing two players late on Thursday evening we were always going to find it difficult and so it proved to be. On Saturday losing 3 out of 4 games we managed to gain a draw which had a big second-half comeback to finish the game 5-5 in poor weather conditions. Another defeat in the first game on Sunday, before winning our last two games comfortably to finish on a high. A great weekend was had by the team! Well done to the team: Aaron Jackson, Aaron Cook, Norman Cook, Emma Wooding, Thomas Donald, and Richard Clews.

Div 2 Write-up by Ben Cook: We started off the weekend with our potentially toughest game of the tournament against White Rose which resulted in a satisfactory outcome of 3-3 then went on to beat Kilkenny 3-1. Next up was Pennine B which is where the unbeaten run ended with the score of 4-1. Onto Sunday we played Kingston C which resulted in a last shot of the game win, 1-0.
Next up we had to play Rhonda Rhinos which in order to have a shot at winning the league we would need to beat by 8 goals, unfortunately, this would prove too high of a scoreline to get as we beat them 2-1. This meant we could only now get 3rd in our division meaning a top finish of 5th was possible. Next up was Cherwell which resulted in a draw of 2-2 down to a bad longshot (by someone who will remain nameless) and then a last-second equaliser from Cherwell.
However, this disappointing draw didn’t impact on our final finishing position as in our playoff final we played Hull Mariners beating them 3-1 gave us our finishing position of 5th out of 14 teams. Not a bad result from a strengthening team. Well done to the team: Callum Cook, Ben Cook, Sam Watson, Jacob Broadley, Callum Housley, Darren Bohanna.