I probably don’t need to tell anyone it was cold but… in a wet suit with wet boots its another level 😂. To compound matters I tore my neck seal on the cag while stretching it over my fat head
With only short daylight hours we set off from the beach just before Penmon Priory and headed east toward Puffin island. I could see breaking waves ahead in the channel so we tentatively entered, in the back of my mind was the knowledge that I cannot under any circumstances fall in, so feeling less brave than usual we picked our way through the smaller swells to the island.
On approach we were greeted by the sight of a hundred seals all hauled out on the shrinking beach. It wasn’t long before curiosity got the better of them and we were surrounded😀
We detoured on the way back across to visit the light house before being rewarded with the glimpse of about 3 porpoises fishing in the tide race.
A nice hot lunch was had on the beach (where I decided to leave my camera for the night🤢) and just before leaving I boiled up some seawater to pour in to my boots!!
A short but very rewarding paddle and a chill out weekend..literally 😂