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Lofoten Islands Expedition 2019 Day 02 “Five discover the Arctic Ocean”

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Lofoten Islands Expedition 2019
The Famous Five visit Lofoten” by Enid Blyton

Day 02 – Lyngvaeret Island to Festvainset Ruberthelmen (elevenses) to Felvika beach (lunch) to Krakoya Island (10th August) by Timmy “Five discover the Arctic Ocean”

Anne was feeling so much better this morning having been reunited with her belongings. She now had two pairs of undies and her own Macintosh to wear should the weather turn dastardly and more than enough food to last for the whole holiday.

The group had also solved the other big issue uncovered the previous evening. Anne had asked Uncle Jann for “Magic fuel” for the stoves. Please Uncle Jann, they run on “mystical white gas” or even “Arctic Coleman fuel”. Well it turned out that Coleman fuel in Norwegian means Kerosene (Paraffin).

“Blimey” said Julian, “this mystical white gas will not light, how are we going to cook”
“I’m hungry” said Dick. “I am used to three full meals a day after all those iron men”
Julian eventually found the secret of lighting the mystical white gas. We first make a bonfire around the stove with paper and sticks and then set it all on fire. When the flames eventually die down enough to approach, the mystical white gas fires up into action. However, Anne’s and Dick’s stoves did not like the bonfire approach, and we were to use them as extra ballast in the bottom of the kayaks for the rest of the trip.
“Woof” said Timmy.

The Famous Five set off extraordinarily early from Lyngvaeret Island just as the sun was rising. Anne had read that the Northerly flow would speed us under the road bridge and out into the Arctic ocean. It was a fantastic red sunrise, but George’s eyes were still closed and would not open for at least another hour.

As the Famous Five rounded Brenna point the ocean swell began to crash on the surrounding reefs. George had a nervous grin but struggled on over the top of each swell. The group had heard that Nordic Trolls often had summer houses all covered in moss and grass and we soon found one of the dwellings complete with an outside loo.
“That’s a bit of luck” said Anne until she discovered that it was locked. We laid out the picnic blanket and had a scrumptious picnic luncheon (elevenses) with lots of tea in the sun. Only a Kilometre or two to go promised Anne. She had selected a splendid little island for our second night sleeping wild on the adventure. Timmy then barked “Woof, Woof” and his little nose pointed up to some approaching high wispy cloud.
“Crikey” gasped Dick “looks like stronger winds are on the way”
“Red sky in the morning” mumbled Anne. “We had a little trouble here in 2015 with dangerous reefs all around. Let’s view the future with some Nordic 4g.”

Mystic Meg at Yr.No predicted strong winds from the North East, Anne’s heart missed a beat and Timmy indicated that he did not want to get caught in his kennel on a low-lying island. They decided to press on regardless in the hope of clearing all the dangerous outlying reefs and finding shelter further East. George and Dick did not like the idea of paddling into a headwind but quietly tucked in behind with the promise of a non-paddling day tomorrow.

“I think that was where we had fish and chips last time” said Anne.
“Where?” said Dick, “I am hungry again”
“Oh back there in Laukvika Harbour; but we best not stop as the wind is picking up” said Anne.
“But how am I going to spend all this Kroner?” said Julian.

After what seemed ages we arrived at a gorgeous beach and possible campsite.
What’s that smell” said Dick.
“I think it’s Anne” said Julian.
Timmy pointed his nose at all the rotting seaweed behind the rocks.
“This is ‘Smellvika’ not Felvika beach” remarked Dick. They all giggled a bit.
“Well this won’t do” said George, “I need a cup of tea.”

After a late lunch and a light snooze, the Five returned to sea to battle the headwinds around the headlands and more very dangerous reefs to a group of islands. “There is a 5-star campsite somewhere here, we have camped here before” said Anne. We eventually found the holy site, white coral sand, nice views but it was downgraded to a 4-star as it is now overlooked by three houses. No one cared as we were all soon to bed after doing two days in one. 35km, 12 hours paddling, most of it into a 6 m/s headwind.

At least we have a day off tomorrow because of the bad weather thought George as she folded herself into her snug nylon tunnel and 1.5 season bag.

More Photos…….