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July 2019

French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 5 Glacier Blanc and Tour de France by John Rasquinha

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French Alps 2019 paddling trip Day 5 Glacier Blanc and Tour de France by John Rasquinha Today was a day for something different from paddling after most people had spent 4 days on the water, though still with an early start, setting off from the campsite at 7am. The plan was to do the traditional… Read More »French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 5 Glacier Blanc and Tour de France by John Rasquinha

French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 4 Slalom Course and Upper Guisane by Nikki Aldridge

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French Alps 2019 paddling trip Day 4 Slalom Course and Upper Guisane by Nikki Aldridge The morning started with some people playing on the slalom course and others playing on SUPs on the lake… success stories all around. After a fairly relaxed morning and lunch at the campsite, we headed off to find a river…… Read More »French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 4 Slalom Course and Upper Guisane by Nikki Aldridge

French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 3b The Lower Durance by Stuart Conway

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French Alps 2019 paddling trip Day 3b The Lower Durance by Stuart Conway We entered the Durance from the Lower Guil, with some confusing eddy lines but everyone managed to get safely across and when we reached the undercut everyone got through it safely! We then dropped down to the slalom course where everyone surfed… Read More »French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 3b The Lower Durance by Stuart Conway

French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 2b The River Onde by Craig Ford

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French Alps 2019 paddling trip Day 2b The River Onde by Craig Ford The vehicle shuttling for the afternoons paddle, The Onde, seemed to a precursor to the afternoon’s paddle. Winding narrow streets with jutting out houses designed to wreck our passing vehicles, and only one apparent line to follow. However, on to the paddle… Read More »French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 2b The River Onde by Craig Ford

French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 2a The Upper Durance by Helen Siertsema

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French Alps 2019 paddling trip Day 2a The Upper Durance by Helen Siertsema The Upper Durance is a good little warm-up river and confidence builder for the less experienced at paddling white water. Lots of easy bouncy rapids with more quieter stretches on which to take in the spectacular scenery. Today, was particularly enjoyable as… Read More »French Alps 2019 paddling trip – Day 2a The Upper Durance by Helen Siertsema

French Alps 2019 paddling holiday. Day 1 The Durance from the campsite to St Clement by Aaron Jackson

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French Alps 2019 paddling trip Day 1 The Durance from the campsite to St Clement by Aaron Jackson After our eventful 23-hour journey on the minibus we finally arrived at the camp site, everyone exhausted we decided to have a nice chilled night. As this was my first-time out to the Alps, my excitement and… Read More »French Alps 2019 paddling holiday. Day 1 The Durance from the campsite to St Clement by Aaron Jackson

Anglesey weekend #3 July 2019

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A patch had been coned out for us at Bodfan Farm as people arrived Friday evening. Although we did notice Rabble Canoe Club (AKA Ribble) got the area nearer the loos and water! Anyway the club flag went up as the dark fell. Saturday morning the sea kayakers set off for a day trip ending… Read More »Anglesey weekend #3 July 2019