2021 Scottish Sea Kayaking Trip to the Summer Isles
Day 03 Tuesday Garvie Bay to Port Allan na Bradhan via Lochinver by Andy Garland
I awoke, peered out of my tent, and started counting the midges. When I got to twenty million gadzillion I decided that an ample dosing of Deet and a midge net was a good way to start the day. The tent was un-erected (is that a word?) and gear packed in the boat before all my new midgy mates had had a chance to fully introduce themselves. I sought solace on the water and watched bemused as Roger of Wales assembled his 3-piece kayak (does the pointy section go in the middle or at the end?).
Once all the group were in their boats we paddled north – the sun shone, the scent of heather drifted over the water and the towering monoliths of the Sutherland mountains provided a stunning backdrop. What more could anyone want? Well, the answer to that question is simple…we wanted pies, lots of pies. By an amazing coincidence the best pie shop in the known universe lay only a few kilometres away – The Lochinver Larder (AKA Lochinver Pie Shop). We landed right outside the Pie Shop (I mean right outside – within 4 meters of the entrance) and availed ourselves of their delicious pastry wrapped offerings.
While scoffing pies, we got chatting to a local fella who divulged some local knowledge about a good bay for seal watching and a hidden gem of a campsite. Once again, we set off to paddle north, accompanied only by the odd crumb of pastry on our lips and the occasional belch of Steak and Ale pie.
After around 5km we entered the narrow entrance of Loch Roe – the seal watching location that had been recommended. It was a very tranquil spot. The numerous seals seemed only mildly interested in our presence and lazed idly under the warm September sun. After a while we continued north to find the hidden gem of a campsite (Port Allan na Bradhan). Well, it certainly was hidden! It took a while for us to find the narrow entrance that was almost invisible from the sea.
However, once ashore we soon pitched camp and some of the more deranged members of the party went for a swim (without drysuits!) in the frigid and terribly wet water. Frankie and I were much more sensible and sat beside the tents shaking our heads at their childish exploits. It had been a fantastic day, but I must admit to having a gnawing sense of unease about what we had planned for tomorrow.
To see more pages from the whole trip go to the Major trips and Expedition reports tab on the club website or click here…….