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2022 LCC Alpine Holiday to Durance Region in France: Day 14 Friday: Isle de Serre White Water Centre by Fiona Barry

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A person in a kayak in a river Description automatically generated with low confidence

Day 14 Friday: Isle de Serre White Water Centre by Fiona Barry

3 of us decided to try out hydrospeeding on the white-water course. Steph, Sarah and I donned our wetsuits, BAs and helmets before receiving the fastest lesson ever from the hydrospeeding expert instructor!

It’s quite straightforward once you learn how to turn and edge! The hardest part is walking along the riverbank in the flippers! The best part is surfing in the waves… At one point all three of us were surfing the same wave at the same time! Hydrospeeding (or “sperming” as we nicknamed it 😂🙈) is absolutely hilarious and amazing fun. I can strongly recommend it!!

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The rest of the group just paddled around and around the course until their arms became too tired. There were two big features. The first was a hole or friendly stopper just after the first tongue (a large green wave that needed a long boat to surf it). Most of the playboats congregated here and surfed, did spins and loops all day long. The water was still 27 degrees and clean and refreshing.

A person in a kayak in a riverDescription automatically generated with low confidence

The second major feature was a large drop or Vee into a surfable; if bouncy wave. The water pulsed here so you could not just sit in the eddies and watch. This wave was similar to the last wave at the Cardiff WW course, except with much more water. The final runout of the top section had 4 stoppers or mini holes and provided good sport if you could catch them on your descent. The Hydrospeeders were able to jump in and catch them from the large, rounded boulders on either side.

Espace Eau Vive is an excellent warm-up or play site – an excellent find and well worth the slight detour on either the way out or way back. We will be returning in future years.

More photographs……