2022 Scottish Sea Kayaking Trip
Day 03 Tuesday Arran – Carradale to Drumadoon Point (Golf Course) by Frankie Annan
Shopped and fed, the convoy set off to drive to Carradale to start the next part of the week and dodge the weather that was headed to Mull. This was the journey down the never-ending single-track road, or so it seemed. But eventually, we arrived at the car park by the harbour (with facilities) to unload boats and repack them for the next leg of the trip. There was a little rain as we were packing, but then as we launched the sun came out.
The crossing to Arran was 5 km with a following sea and sunshine. As I paddled along wondering what the chances of seeing Whales may be for this trip, I noticed to my right, what looked like a little fin. Yes, it was a group of porpoises that were just behind us. After watching them for a few minutes, it was back to concentrating on heading in the right direction towards Arran, where elevenses waited.
We landed on a beach somewhere in Machrie Bay, had a short elevenses and then set off again to find a campsite for the night. There had been mention of a golf course. The view of Ailsa Craig was wonderful, and the Mull of Kintyre may have inspired Andy to sing.
As we scouted the shoreline for landing spots, we passed Drumadoon Point and found the beach next to the golf course. The temptation of the greens was resisted as we set up camp on the beach. We were not the only sea kayakers on the beach, as Dave from the borders who was doing a solo trip around Arran was at the other end of the beach. Most of the walkers who were abut were friendly and didn’t object to the obstacle course surrounding the footpath, though the horse that had come for an evening beach ride, wasn’t too happy walking past tents.
There were conveniently situated benches in what was designated the posh end of the beach, which made a great cooking spot. Others in the group opted for the rocks on the beach. Sadly all areas soon became full of midges, so one by one everyone disappeared into their tents, as the sun set on the horizon.
Probably the most paddling we had done since the start of the trip with the most wildlife of the week so far.
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