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2022 LCC Alpine Holiday to Durance Region in France: Day 10 Monday: Wakeboarding by Noah Gavin

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Day 10 Monday: Wakeboarding by Noah Gavin

This year we were looking to do some activities as a family, and came across l’ancre bleue, a watersports place with wakeboarding, rafting, canoeing and stand-up paddle A person water skiingDescription automatically generated with low confidenceboarding. Me, my dad and sister went wakeboarding twice during the trip and were completely stunned by the surrounding views the whole time. Although the water in the lake was low, the staff there did their absolute best to keep things running as normal and we had a great experience!

The guy driving the boat was incredibly supportive, even through my dad completely face planting on his first couple tries! We had loads of fun during the wakeboarding and would love to go back next year!

Afterwards, me and my sister went on the ringo (a round floaty behind the boat) and definitely did not expect what we got! We were expecting a calm, nice ride looking at the amazing views surrounding the lake, but not so lucky. Me and my sister were thrown around and fell off several times, and went absolutely flying off the wake when we bumped into the other ringos! Although very fun, definitely not for the faint of heart or anyone who wants to keep their joints intact!

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Contact Information for the Facility:
Website :
Phone number :

If you do want to do it, suggest booking well in advance. Wakeboarding is in the morning as water calmer and ringo/ bouee in the afternoon. Ask for Norah if you don’t speak French!

Embrun is about 40 min drive south of the campsite

NB the ringo is called a bouee in French!