We now allow more than one group on a session at one time. How will it work in practice:
A key holder Ruth has asked for an open boat paddle to be added to the calendar and is organising her group of up to 6 paddlers (via googlegroup). A non-keyholder but qualified paddler Janet emails Ruth to ask if she minds her running a second group for a general docks paddle in kayaks. Ruth replies no problem and Janet organises her group for up to 6 paddlers. Both groups arrive at 10am. Ruth opens up the compound and her group get on the water while Janet’s group remain by the cars. Individual paddlers sanitise any loaned equipment – especially their hands and paddle shafts. The padlocks are left “on the hook” but Ruth waits near the compound to see that Janet gets her group on the water and locks the compound. Both groups remain separate and discrete using which ever area of the docks they want but all paddlers remain social distanced at all times (eg 2m apart). Janet’s group return before the allotted return time of 12:30 and remain on the water. When Ruth returns, she opens up the compound and her group quickly put the equipment away. They then move to their cars and leave. Janet’s group exit the water and return their equipment. Janet, overseen by Ruth locks the compound and all remaining paddlers leave the site. Each group had a leader but Ruth had overall responsibility for the security of the compound. Ruth found it so easy to do she asked for the paddle to be named a “Docks session” next week so that other non-keyholder sheltered water leaders could email her to ask to bring their own group to the session. 😊
All paddlers MUST be pre-booked with a leader and these details kept for a minimum of 21 days to aid track and trace.
Please see the full guidance on the main page of the club website.
Covid 19 Guidance (paddling and Equipment) | ![]() ![]() ![]() Page last updated August 5, 2020 |
During these difficult times we are not doing any general paddles. To control numbers, every paddle needs to be pre-booked with a leader or coordinator or supervisor. Paddles are notified through the club`s Google Group. All paddling is in separate, small groups of up to six paddlers. The club is now moving to Stage 3.5, where most paddles at the docks are using club equipment. You must bring your own hand sanitiser and spray and use it frequently and sanitise any loaned equipment (eg paddle shaft). Stage 1 – Promotion of club led trips on easy water currently with up to 5 others. The club has agreed the following protocols:
Sheltered Water Leaders and coaches Guidelines for club Paddles and Trips Template for google group email advertising a club trip…… If you have an idea for a paddle, would like help or advice to organise it, please email FAQ – Club promoted trips. What are the current guidelines: Social distancing must take place at all times along with frequent hand washing or hand sanitising. Currently no more than 6 people may meet for exercise at an outdoor venue. How do I organise a club paddle: Contact What if someone brings a friend without confirming with the organiser meaning the group is now larger than 6 – both will be asked to go home and not paddle with the rest of the group. (absolute maximum of 6 people – including children). Only people booked on should attend and only people from the same household in the same car or boat. What if another group is accessing the compound The second group must wait on the water or by their cars until the first is finished. We want to minimise the time spent in and around the compound to absolute minimum. What if I do not have my own equipment – Most dock paddles are advertised as allowing members to borrow club equipment but you CANNOT hire club equipment for trips away from the docks unless the trip leader has indicated that he or she will be present to open the compound for you to collect and return the equipment. The only exception is a key holder who pre-books a kayak for themselves or trip members for a club trip and can return it the same day with their key! Can the trip be A to B with a car shuttle – Social distancing guidelines say no car sharing for members outside a household, so these kinds of trips are unfortunately not advised at the moment. However the government has issued advice if you need to car share…… What if a paddler drops out – this may result in others being turned away and should not happen – only reply to an email about a trip if you are 100% certain you can make the paddle |