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2023 LCC Celtic Sea Kayaking Trip Day 13 Thursday – Adrigole Harbour to Bere Island by Debbie

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A map of the sea Description automatically generated

Day 13 Thursday – Adrigole Harbour to Boulder Beach camp on Bere Island by Debbie

After a bit of trickiness getting boats into deep enough water from the campsite we set off out of the bay and up the coast. By 10ish Keith was ready for breakfast so we had a quick breather in a narrow gap in the rocks.

A group of people in a canoeDescription automatically generated

There was little wind at this point but it soon began to pick up as we headed past the mussel beds for the point where we were going to cross back to Bere Island and have lunch at Rerrin, the main village on Bere Island.

A group of orange barrels on a rocky shoreDescription automatically generated

We were all ready for a break by the time we got there and sitting in the sun for a while was great. We watched the ferry leave for the mainland, and Andy made use of the shop – scone and a cup of coffee/tea while I had ice cream – only a magnum but better than nothing.

Back on the water we began the search for a suitable wild camp, supposedly there were a few places we could stop. Several kilometres later we arrived at a possible campsite. There was much discussion over whether or not we would be visited by cows during the night as there was some evidence to suggest that they had been there recently. Some of us chose to “chance the cows” and pitch partially on the tarmac at the road head, while others decided to go for a small promontory sticking out into the channel.

Tents on a rocky shore by the waterDescription automatically generated

It turned out that the cattle were the safer bet, they didn’t appear… However, Chris’s tent on the promontory came perilously close to being flooded when the high tide crept closer and closer.

Tents on a rocky shore by waterDescription automatically generated

And the bonus of this campsite – four of us made it as far as the local pub for a pint of Murphy’s after Catriona went on a recce.

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